This Adventure Called California Impact
During the filming of This Adventure Called California, Arnoldo was living in his truck. After he lost that truck, he not only lost his home, but he lost his ability to access jobs around the Bay Area. Getting another vehicle was the first step in getting back on his feet. September 6, 2022, a few special people made that dream a reality.
Arnoldo still has a lot of work to do. He is pursuing steady work so that he can move into stable housing, send money to his family, and visit his aging parents. We are working to connect him to social services that can address more of his long term needs. The journey continues...
Impact Screenings
In addition to direct services with our film's protagonist, we hope that the film can be a tool for organizations and advocates already doing the important work of fighting labor trafficking and exploitation. We've also had screenings with panel discussions and Q&As with many organizations, including:
- October 21, 2021: Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach (drive-in fundraiser)
- November 13, 2021: Freedom United
- Jan 18, 2022 and April 25 -28, 2022: Alameda County's District Attorney's Office
- March 10, 2022: San Mateo Human Trafficking Group.
- June 1, 2022: International Rescue Committee